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Using hydrogen as fuel inherits the convenience of current refueling

It'll only take 5 minutes to fill 5.6 kilograms of hydrogen fuel, then hydrogen energy vehicles can travel 1,360 kilometers.

The history of automobiles has been more than 100 years old. Although there are pollution problems in fuel vehicles, the long-term accumulated experience has enabled the entire industrial supply chain, from oil refining and transportation, gas stations, to component supply, assembly, sales, maintenance and recycling, etc., to be very mature, and thus makes this mechanism a freewheeling convenience. Lithium vehicles use green energy as the starting point to drive the revolution of the generational change in the automobile industry. Although the car body itself achieves zero emissions, it is achieved at the expense of convenience. Perhaps lithium electric cars have only been around for more than ten years, and we expect a lot of room for improvement. Unfortunately, its inherent limitations cannot completely solve all the problems of extremely inconvenient charging, and even bring about new disasters that are rare in history. If the original intention of the industry to invent the car for the convenience of transportation cannot be achieved, unless there is no better replacement, it will be difficult for the lithium electric car to become the next-generation car, and it can only play a role in the transition period.

On the other hand, hydrogen vehicle competing with lithium electric vehicles, like fuel vehicles, rely on external energy to fill, and also have internal combustion engines. Most of the supply chain inherits the existing automobile industry model, which can truly maintain sufficient convenience and green environmental protection. A generation of energy vehicles. Although hydrogen energy vehicles started relatively late, most of the technologies are already mature, and even some of them are developed much earlier than lithium electric vehicles. Some of the most critical technologies, such as sensors, have proven practical and meet safety standards thanks to decades of improvements in automotive semiconductors. Some technologies, such as hydrogen storage tanks, are based on aerospace technology's oil tanks. Therefore, from the perspective of convenience and industrial structure, only hydrogen vehicle can truly seamlessly migrate from fuel vehicles to next-generation vehicles.

However, in the past, hydrogen energy was not widely used, and most of the applications were concentrated in industrial use. The high cost was the biggest obstacle to the promotion of hydrogen energy vehicles. Fortunately, the major hydrogen energy development countries headed by Japan regard it as the most important new energy policy for countries including power generation, rather than limited to narrow applications in transportation, and invest a lot of resources into development. The petrochemical industry is increasingly under the pressure of zero carbon emissions, and has to invest in the development of hydrogen energy, and even seek various possible cross-industry combinations. In the long run, cheap and easy-to-use hydrogen energy can not only be expected, but will also drive a cross-industry energy revolution. Its benefits are not comparable to those of the district charging stations started by lithium electric vehicles.

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