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The huge power consumption required by lithium battery vehicle worsens carbon emissions
Unlike fuel vehicles and hydrogen vehicles that rely on their own fuel to generate power, lithium-ion vehicles are only batteries with energy storage, which are completely recharged by the supply of external electricity. That is, the widespread use of lithium batteries will increase the load on the power system. The reliance on fossil fuels for power generation will worsen and cause pollution.
Take the United States as an example. According to BP’s annual energy report, the United States consumes approximately 19 million barrels of crude oil a day and 7 billion barrels a year, and 40-50% is used in automobiles. A barrel of crude oil is equivalent to 6 million British Thermal Units (BTU), which can be converted into electricity equal to 1,700 kilowatt hours. Therefore, the crude oil used by American cars each year is equivalent to 5,000 megawatt hours of electricity. According to data from the US Energy Information Administration, the country's total power consumption in 2020 will be 4,000 megawatt hours. This is why Tesla founder Musk stated at the Code Conference in September 2021 that if all vehicles are electrified, electricity demand is bound to double, which will pose many challenges to the grid. Although the market penetration of lithium batteries is gradual, it will not immediately have a significant impact on the power supply. However, the increase of lithium electric vehicles will cause the load of power generation, which in turn will increase carbon emissions as an indisputable fact. The expenditure required to expand the generator set is astronomical. Lithium electric vehicles are not environmentally friendly. The zero-emissions of their car bodies are created by passing on unnecessary investment, energy consumption, and environmental damage caused by other supply chains. It is simply a fake zero-emission.
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