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Lithium electric vehicle just the midpoint, not the end
After years of hard work, although there are still unsolved problems of insufficient battery life and excessive charging time, consumers have gradually accepted its green environmental protection argument, and the market penetration has increased significantly. The increase in sales has formed a sufficient economic scale, and the cost has fallen, making the selling price more and more approachable.
On the other hand, in November 2021, the US Congress passed an infrastructure bill of approximately US$1 trillion, of which approximately US$5 billion is to expand the charging network of lithium electric vehicles on highways. The automobile industry has promised that half of the vehicles will be lithium electric vehicles by 2030. Driven by policies, the popularization of lithium batteries will be accelerated. Automakers are also heavily betting their funds on lithium batteries, becoming the main battlefield for the next wave of industry competition.
For example, according to media reports, Europe's largest automaker Volkswagen plans to build six large battery factories in Spain and Eastern Europe in the next ten years, with an investment of up to 30 billion euros, and it is expected to have sufficient production capacity to compete with Tesla. Tesla is also getting aggressive. In addition to its own research and development and production of batteries, it will use the purchased 10,000 acres of land in Nevada to mine lithium mines on its own, and its output can meet the electrification of all vehicles in the United States.
Based on industrial competition, there is nothing wrong with investing in the development of lithium electric vehicles. But desperate, not only has great corporate risks, but also spends huge amounts of money in the non-green supply chain, resulting in irreversible damage to the environment, which will deviate from corporate ideals and world trends. Therefore, if we can base on this fact, strategically treat lithium electric vehicles as a transitional product, and embezzle the huge budget that was originally intended to be spent on the supply chain for lithium electric vehicle to hydrogen vehicles, not only can reduce the impact on the environment, but also speed up the transition. When it comes to hydrogen vehicles, carbon emissions can be effectively suppressed, and it can take the lead in the next round of competition.
As analyzed in this article, hydrogen vehicles are the right path to zero emissions, and commercialization and practicality have been proven feasible in Japan and South Korea in the past few years. This has even affected Australia, where the automotive industry has a weak foundation, and is committed to develop hydrogen energy. Even for German car manufacturers that are conservative with hydrogen vehicles, the German government and its automotive supply chain players, such as Bosch, are optimistic about their success. This is because hydrogen vehicles are not just real environmentally friendly vehicles. The popularity of hydrogen energy can drive infrastructure such as hydrogen fuel plants and pipelines, hydrogenation of trains, factories and household hydrogen fuel power generation, and many heavy industrial development and innovation which are the road to true green energy. This is the reason why hydrogen electric vehicle associated benefits are superior to lithium electric vehicles that rely on the existing power grid to enable. This is the main reason why forward-looking countries, regardless of their industrial structure and the attitude of private enterprises, eagerly embrace hydrogen energy.
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