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Only hydrogen vehicles achievable the Ideal state of true zero emissions
It is well known that hydrogen vehicles, like lithium batteries, will not emit carbon dioxide, but will emit pure water completely harmless emissions. However, the biggest difference from lithium electric vehicles relying on electric energy storage is that they have their own power system, and the fuel depends on the source of hydrogen; the basic structure is closer to the current fuel vehicles, and the difference is that clean hydrogen is used to replace heavily polluting fossil fuels. Hydrogen vehicles do not need a variety of rare metal battery materials like lithium batteries, nor do they need to go through mining sites and stratum drilling methods that severely damage the environment, like the petroleum fuel of fuel vehicles. The more controversial issue for hydrogen vehicles is that the electricity required for the production of hydrogen fuel may still come from the production of fossil fuels, and it is not entirely possible to achieve zero emissions. This aspect can be solved gradually by using renewable energy such as solar energy, wind power generation, biomass energy or sewage treatment plant biogas power generation, gradually increasing the proportion of renewable energy, reducing carbon dioxide emissions, and achieving the goal of complete green hydrogen. It is not completely unsolved. Therefore, whether from the perspective of the car body itself or the supply chain such as power and fuel sources, it is showing that hydrogen vehicles are the ultimate solution to zero emissions.
However, there is no ideal of green and environmental protection. If the price of hydrogen is significantly more expensive than gasoline, and it is difficult to be accepted by the market, it will be reduced to empty talk. This is another area where hydrogen vehicles are questioned. According to the conclusions of research conducted by McKinsey Consultants commissioned by the International Hydrogen Council (Hydrogen Council), the price of hydrogen energy produced from renewable energy will be significantly reduced by 60% before 2030, that is, green hydrogen, from US$6 per kilogram. Reduced to 2.6 US dollars, this price is compared with fossil fuels, and hydrogen energy can be competitive in the long-distance truck and train market. In fact, taking Japan as an example, the price of hydrogen per kilogram in 2021 is 1,100 yen, which is about 150 kilometers. On the other hand, the price of gasoline in Japan is 141 yen per liter. Based on the consumption of 7 liters of gasoline per 100 kilometers, it costs 1,480 yen to travel 150 kilometers, which is more expensive than hydrogen fuel. The gasoline market has a few of factors to cause fluctuate, but there is a certain amount of drilling and production costs, hence the price is impossible to drop significantly. But hydrogen fuel has just started, and the price will only get lower and lower. Gasoline is by no means its opponent.
After the autumn of 2021, China's power shortage crisis has become the biggest nightmare for lithium battery owners. Lithium electric vehicles will deteriorate the entire power supply system, which may not be serious under the condition of gradual market penetration. But when there is a power shortage, it will undoubtedly become a serious problem. The electric energy of hydrogen vehicles comes from hydrogen fuel, which is disconnected from the grid, and lack of electricity will not cause any impact.
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