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A revolution occurred at eV in 2012, that focusing on IC research and development. Only about 10 people worked for the company at the time. To strengthen the company's competitiveness, it took several months of day and night IC specification updates to connect with the international automobile sector. Factory requirements and this kind of perseverance provide the foundation for the development of eV in the future.

The early bird catches the worm
I get up at 5 o'clock every day, leave home at 6 o'clock, take the bus to Zhubei, and then ride a motorcycle to the company. The commute takes 2 to 3 hours. This pattern persisted day after day for nine years without stopping and firmness.

Enthusiasm and Persistence
After a long day at work, a car accident broke his left shoulder and right wrist on the way home on a slick rainy road. During recuperation, his right wrist becomes serious so it re-wrap. However, his enthusiasm and persistence bring him back to work, even though he is not recovered well.

Daily life in Shanghai
Despite the Shanghai office being small but complete in every detail. Every colleague is dedicated to working day by day no matter the weather, or pandemic. They are committed to their work and strive to help the company grow.

Persistence under the epidemic
The 3-year-long COVID-19 pandemic has affected business activities and people's lives around the world. Due to the isolation of various regions and infections. We have faced a lot of challenges. Under these challenges, all colleagues are looking for possibilities for various breakthroughs, so that e-Vehicle can continue to move forward.